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Uddeling/forsker Projekttitel Totalbudget
Saxhof-støtte Resultater/publikationer
Vinter 2009/2010
kr. kr.
Igangværende projekter Afsluttede projekter
Henrik M.
Forskning i nye metoder og løsninger til brug ved
design af nyt lavt boligbyggeri i lavenergiklasse 0
250.000 250.000

Type houses with optimal energy use in relation to an energy system without the use of fossil fuels(rapport)

Development of model based control of building services by use of weather forecast(rapport)

Impact of facade window design on energy, daylighting and thermal comfort in nearly zero-energy houses(artikel)

A. Hviid
Forskningsprojekt vedrørende energibesparende
foranstaltninger i bygninger.
250.000 250.000 Læs mere
Rune Vinther
Metoder, koncepter, apparatur mm, der kan vejlede brugerne af en bygning i energibesparende adfærd 791.924 500.000

Window opening behaviour modelled from measurements in Danish dwellings(artikel)

Occupants’ window opening behaviour: A literature review of factors influencing occupant behaviour and models(artikel)

Energibesparende brugeradfærd(rapport)

The influence of occupants’ behaviour on energy consumption investigated in 290 identical dwellings and in 35 apartments(rapport)

Elsa Andersen Improved detailed knowledge of the heat and mass
transfer in air collectors (termisk solvarme)
499.077 499.100
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Januar 2011 Projekttitel Totalbudget Saxhof-

Igangværende projekter
Afsluttede projekter
Carsten Rode
(on behalf of
Janne Dragsted)
Nye vejrdata til termisk bygningssimulering, fase 1 455.000 400.000

New Weather Data for Thermal Building Simulation(rapport)

Opgørelse over data fra 2013

Pawel Wargocki Energy efficient window opening for temperature and
air quality control in school classrooms
1.000.000 400.000 Læs mere
2011-2012 Projekttitel Totalbudget Saxhof-

Igangværende projekter
Afsluttede projekter
Jakub Kolarik Thermo Active Building Systems – Performance in
practice and possibilities for optimization
719.383 501.400 Thermo Active Building Systems (TABS) – Performance in practice and possibilities for optimization(rapport)
Janne Dragsted Opgradering og udvidelse af klimamålestation
ved DTU Lyngby
565.200 501.400 Upgrade and Extension of the Climate station at DTU Byg(rapport)
Lei Fang Development of new total heat recovery ventilation
technology for energy conservation in buildings
795.660 495.800
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Zhecho Dimitrov
Energy performance of combined radiant and convec-
tive systems for energy efficient indoor environment
831.907 501.400

Combined radiant and convective indoor climate systems(rapport)

Comparison of Radiant and Convective Cooling of Office Room: Effect of Workstation Layout(rapport)

Energy efficiency potential of radiant and convective room units with utilization of building thermal mass in cooling design conditions(rapport)

Thermal Conditions in a Simulated Office Environment with Convective and Radiant Cooling Systems(rapport)

2012-2013 Projekttitel Totalbudget Saxhof-
Igangværende projekter
Afsluttede projekter
Alfred Heller
Marek Brand
Trådløse sensornetværk til anvendelse i byggeriet 504.000 504.000 Læs mere
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Elsa Andersen Experimental and theoretical investigations of combined
solar heating/heat pump systems for single family houses
871.086 871.086
Pawel Wargocki Strategy for controlling indoor air quality based on carbon
dioxide (CO2) concentrations
1.080.000 540.000

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August 2014 Projekttitel Totalbudget Saxhof-
Igangværende projekter Afsluttede projekter
Gabriel Bekö Impact of energy retrofitting on the indoor environmental
quality of multifamily residential dwellings
579.395 496.400 Impact of energy retrofitting on the indoor environmental
quality of multifamily residential dwellings
-(Final report )
Lei Fang Experimental Study on Air Cleaning Effect of Clean Air
Heat Pump and Its Impact on Ventilation Requirement
593.398 443.600
Experimental Study on Air Cleaning Effect of Clean Air Heat Pump and Its Impact on Ventilation Requirement(Rapport)
Pawel Wargocki Energy, Indoor Environmental Quality and Productivity in
Conventional (Non-Certified} and Certified (Green) Office Buildings
538.200 538.200

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Efterår 2015
Projekttitel Totalbudget Saxhof-støtte
Igangværende projekter Afsluttede projekter
Elsa Andersen Availability of high quality weather data measurements 306.566 306.566
Lei Fang Exploring active heat exchanger technology applied in substations of district heating systems for energy conservation 580.652 580.652
Martin Kotol Development and Testing of Sustainable Envelope and Climatic Systems for New Arctic Building Practice
1.033.338 1.033.338
11 DECEMBER 2024